These images were created by coating an inkjet print with platinum and exposing it to ultraviolet light. The result is more texture adding depth and more subtle colors.
About the printing process:
Traditional classic printing methods such as platinum, carbon, or albumen, need a large negative which was made with a large view camera and developed in a darkroom. Computer printers changed all that, and we now can produce a negative from any digital file. As a result of this convenient technology the classic printing processes are enjoying a revival. Plus the computer-generated negative allows for innovative variations of the traditional photographic processes .
The platinum-over-color print is one such variation. A color image and a black and white negative are printed on the computer. In the darkroom, the color print is coated with a platinum solution, sandwiched with the negative, and thus exposed to ultraviolet light. The resulting image is a platinum print with subdued colors and rich texture.